NOW is the time to reach out to your members and constituents along the Gulf Coast, from Texas to the Florida Panhandle, and encourage them to prepare by sharing the following tips. A link to a more comprehensive list of preparedness tips can be found on HENTF’s website. https://culturalrescue.si.edu/resources2/
Track the storm via the National Hurricane Center, http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/.
Monitor information via your State Emergency Management Agency. For links to public safety websites for states, territories, and the District of Columbia, see https://www.dhs.gov/state-homeland-security-and-emergency-services.
Make sure staff, volunteer, and board contact lists are up to date. Determine how you will communicate with one another before, during, and after the storm.
For tips on what to do before, during, and after a hurricane, go to https://www.ready.gov/hurricanes.
Keep this 24/7 hotline number handy: 202.661.8068. The National Heritage Responders, a team of trained conservators and collections care professionals, are available 24/7 to provide advice.
Download FEMA fact sheets “After the Flood: Advice for Salvaging Damaged Family Treasures” and “Salvaging Water-Damaged Family Valuables and Heirlooms,” available at https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/113297.